Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chapter 9

What was the first national hamburger chain & what did it do to try to change the image of the hamburger?

The first national hamburger chain was White Castle. They tried to change the image of the hamburger by making it look good and safe to eat. So they made sure that their grills were in plain sight for their customers to see and did a big university study about someone eating White Castle burgers and drinking water for 13 straight weeks.

What are some of the ways people can be infected with E. coli 0157:H7?

The biggest ways that people can be infected are by raw or under cooked meat, eating uncleaned vegetables, drinking unpasteurized milk, and swimming in contaminated water.

Chapter 8

What kinds of injuries do workers in meatpacking plants typically suffer?

The types of injuries workers at meatpacking plants suffer from are back and shoulder injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, they sometime stab themselves, and they also suffer from tendinitis. The main thing they suffer from though is lacerations. Lacerations are a tear in the skin. I would so never want to work at a meat plant!

What's the impact on workers of speeding up the lines in meat packing plants?

The impact is very very bad. The workers are forced to go faster and faster which often cause more injuries then going at a slow steady pace. The plant wants to speed up the lines because the faster the meat is packaged the more meat they can sell.

Monday, February 15, 2010

CHapter 7

What changes did IBP introduce to the meat packing industry?

IBP introduced new machinery and techniques. It packaged smaller cuts which created more money and it vacuum sealed the meat to make it last longer while being shipped.

How high is the employee turnover rate in the meat packing industry and why don't the meat packing plants see this as a problem?

The employee turnover rate it around 80 percent. The employes have good benefits, vacations and things of that sort so they don't see this as much of a problem.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chapter 6

What are some problems being faced by cattle ranchers?

Some problems are that major corporations are forcing them out. They are making farmers seem bad and unhealthy so no one will want to get things from them. Cattle Ranchers are being looked down upon because of these corporations. Cattle Ranchers are facing huge economic problems because these corporations are forcing them to have less business which means less money. Many of these cattle ranchers need to take on second jobs to make enough money to support their families.

What are "captive supplies" of cattle?

Captive supplies of cattle is cattle bought by one company and raised by that company, then when cattle start to rise the meat packers come to buy it and then the prices slowly go down. The original owner never reveals how much they paid for the cattle in the beginning.